Electric Generation Technologies by Region
How Does the Generation Mix Vary?
The mix of generation sources varies widely in different parts of the country. The Northwest, for example, depends significantly on hydropower because of the ample water resources across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Conversely, the South Central region of the United States uses a much greater percentage of natural gas for electricity generation because of the gas resources present in Texas, Oklahoma, and elsewhere. The generation mix also changes over time in response to changing resource availability, regulatory pressures, public perception, and technological development. Renewables generation, for example, is growing across the United States because of technology advances, cost reductions, public support for "green" energy, and state initiatives that require a certain amount of renewable energy. Scroll over the map below to see the mix of electricity generation in your region and how it compares to other regions.

United States Total

Northwest Region

United States Total

Midwest Region

United States Total

Southwest Region

United States Total

South Central Region

United States Total

Southeast Region

United States Total

Northeast Region